Your Future

Maybe for you design the most appropriate building plan for now is a minimalist design with a full house building 2 floors. What's wrong if we use the concept of home stay 1 1 / 2 floors with balcony floor 2 made ​​the garden, this may be a solution for you which minimize the budget, such as realtor La Quinta CA residing in california go to.

Use of House 1 1 / 2 floor of a residential planning concept combination that allows for those of you who will build gradually from start building from the rear to the front. To fill a rather large terrace space better used for the park is given over to green plants, so that will give the impression of cold in your house. Keep in mind also use the roof as our design model above, for lack of gutters, thereby reducing the leakage in the rain. It is better if using a design house like this in order to try behind, exactly above the reservoir above the bathroom was given for our water reserves can be met and for aesthetics arsitekturenya better, when compared to containers placed on the front porch.

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How do you integrate these elements

Promotion is an effort of marketers (marketers) in informing and influencing people or other interested parties engaged in transactions or to exchange goods or services that are marketed specific combination of promotional methods that are used for a product or product family called promotin mix (promotion). Product testing is alsourgently needed in a promotional item ,to assess the goods are eligible or not for sale.

How do you integrate these elements depends on what you are promoting, can and preferences of your potential customers, general market conditions and your promotional budget. And by using a mix of promotion, an opportunity to convey the message that we want to be well received by the recipient will be even greater.

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